Cortinarius zółty

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od sie.2005

1. Cortinarius zółty
23.wrz.06 20:42

pod bukami.

od wrz.2004

2. Cortinarius zółty

Raczej znowu jakaś Hebeloma.

od sie.2005

3. Cortinarius zółty
23.wrz.06 21:08

tym razem raczej nie, ja tu widze resztki zasnówki zwisajacej z kapelusza. ale sprawdzę.

od wrz.2004

4. Cortinarius zółty

Rodzaj Hebeloma należy do rodziny Cortinariaceae, no i te grzyby podobnie jak zasłonaki mają zasnówkę...

od sie.2005

5. Cortinarius zółty
24.wrz.06 23:07

wiem o ich pokrewieństwie. sądziłem, że widoczna zasnówka jest bardziej charakterystyczna dla zasłonaków [po pobieżnaj znajomości z hebelomami crustuliniforme-podobnymi]. Jest jakaś prosta cecha odróżniajaca zasłonaki od włośnianek?

od maj.2003

6. Cortinarius zółty
8.paź.06 10:18
Anna Kujawa "AniaK"

Jedną z ważnych cech jest obecność cystyd na ostrzu blaszki - Hebeloma ma bardzo wyraźne cystydy, powodujace, że ZAZWYCZAJ ostrze blaszki jest wyrażnie biało "orzęsione" - lupa. Zasłonaki, jeśli mają cystydy, to nie tak obfite.

Gatunek ze zdjęcia pasuje mi raczej na zasłonaka.

od sie.2005

7. Cortinarius zółty
23.lut.07 19:41

a 6. X. 2004 wyglądały tak:

od lut.2006

8. Cortinarius zółty


Cortinarius do Marek (2006. 09. 23 20: 42) jest Phlegmacium do grupa multiforme.

Cortinarius do Marek (2007. 02. 23 19: 41) jest Cortinarius anserinus (very probably)

Pozdrawiam serdeznie,


od lut.2006

9. Cortinarius zółty


Cortinarius do Marek (2006. 09. 23 20: 42) jest Phlegmacium do grupa multiformis.

Cortinarius do Marek (2007. 02. 23 19: 41) jest Cortinarius anserinus (very probably)

Pozdrawiam serdeznie,


od sie.2005

10. Cortinarius zółty
23.lut.07 21:17

dziekuje bardzo Andreas.

both species growing close.

second species

" (2007. 02. 23 19: 41) jest Cortinarius anserinus (very probably)"

rosnie dokładnie razem na stanowisku z tym trzecim:

[growing exactly in the same place like this third one:


I would like to ask you for help in thwo other instances...

One is Hebeloma, from the same forest in Krakow like 3 Cortinarius species over


maybe you can suggest something?

and second question is about Macrolepiota rickenii

(probably). This species is not common in Poland, and better known from Germany, maybe you know it better...


I have exicat.

thanks a lot

od sie.2005

11. Cortinarius zółty
27.lut.07 00:05

inne zdjęcia tego drugiego zasłonaka 13. X. 04

other photos of the second cortinarius from this thread

is it possible that young Cortinarius anserinus looks like?:

(now looks for me similar to the first one

Phlegmacium [ multiforme]

main problem is that all these species growing exactly in the same place

od lut.2006

12. Cortinarius zółty

Dear Marek,

as you understand english, please let me answer in this language, as otherwise I would nee the whole night and may be still can't express myself....

First to the pictures of the young Phlegmacium in your last thread:

It is very very probably that this is Cortinarius anserinus. At least they are very tyoical for this species. The very pale yellowish-olivaceous cap and the blue colours in the flesh of the stipe and the gills are typical (teh blue colours are not very good to see on your foto. you should always have one fruitbody cut into half)

Now to the first pictures:

The differences between multiformes group and all other Phlegmacium is in the uniformely ochraceous colours throughout, the pale gills and the quite strong fibrillouse cap structure ("wloknisty). They usually have quite small spores with only weak ornamentation.

I will add a foto of a this years finding in decidous forest on chalk, and I'm not yet sure how to name it. May be C. polymorphus is a good name for it. 20 years ago one would have name it C. multiformis;-)

Now to the others which you asked about:

The third Phlegmacium is one of Sektion Fulvi, an there one of the species which is strongly oxydating. I would tentatively put it near to Cortinarius alcalinophilus ss. BRANDRUD et al. (CFP - Cortinarius Fotoflora Project). I prefer to name this species Cortinarius majusculus for the moment, because I have no better name. It ia species which is greenish-yellow when young and covered by leaves but gets rusty orangebrownish when exposed to the air.

But this is not a determination of course, but only a hint where you might look for it.

I add a foto of a collection at the very same side as the other foto of C. polymorphus/multiformis. They also grew together, just as in your forest. It is a foto of the caps which show the colour change from greenish-yellow to rusty.

The Hebeloma has to be investigated deeper, e. g. one has to know the shape of the cheilocystidia and the dextrinoid reaction of the spores.

I strongly doubt that it is Hebeloma velutipes/leucosarx, as it is far to big and the stipe is not pruinouse but floccose in your species. May be it ia only pale H. sinapizans. But may be it is something better that I don't know. If you have access to the new monographie by Vesterholt, you most likely will get a name for this one.

At last the Macrolepiota, a genus probably more complicated than most others....

I think that your fungus does not belong into the mastoidea-Komplex, because it has not a prominent umbo as these species use to have. And it is neither Leucoagaricus nympharum (Macrolepiota puellaris) nor Macrolepiota excoriata.

If you name it Macrolepiota konradii, your certainly have right. But in which sense? Not in the sense of VELLINGA, which has a very broad concept of M. mastoidea, including also konradii. I know this "konradii ss. VELLINGA" from Mesobrometum and other grass lands and it is right that it is to be included in the mastoidea-complex. What I have named konradii in the "Grosspilze Baden-Württemberg" is something else, like a small M. procera. It is the same as in "Pilze der Schweiz". Henk HUIJSER, which in my eyes is one of the authorities in Lepiota s. l. thinks that "my" konradii is the same as the dutch mycologists name M. fuligineosquarrosa. And indeed, may be he has right. It is a fungi in the general appearance of M. procera, but in the size of M. mastoidea. The scales on the cap are very easily to peel of, they nearly fall down already by theirselfes, and usually the flesh is a little bit reddening in the cortex layer of the stem base.

But to complicated this situation, I have to admit that Henk HUIJSER knows a Macrolepiota besides "konradii ss. Vellinga = mastoidea" and "konradii ss. Gminder, Breitenbach/Kränzlin = fuligineosquarrosa"! Unfortunately we have never succeeded in finding this "konradii ss. Huijser" together, so I still have no concept of this third konradii, which HUISER thinks to be the real one. May be you have this third one here, because the cutis looks a little strange compared to my findings of fuligineosquarrosa.

May be this was more irritating then clearing something, but macrolepiota is a very difficult thing....

best regards,


od sie.2005

13. Cortinarius zółty
27.lut.07 18:43

Dear Andreas,

Many thanks for detailed answer to all questions.

First I want to say that I'm observing all 3 Cortinarius species + one Hebeloma from many years.

They are growing close to my home and every year in the same place.

So, I have easy possiblity for future "reseach".

Main question is what is possible in the way

to have more certainty. Maybe you have some suggestion.

[ for example chemical reactions?]

We have in this thread:

1. Cortinarius anserinus [most likely]

2007. 02. 23 19: 41

2007. 02. 27 00: 05

synonime of

Cortinarius amoenolens [Rob. Henry]

2. First one in this thread [ from multiforme group], maybe you have

any suggestion for future research. It looks really hard for identification.

Now about species from other threads


3. Cortinarius majusculus =

= Cortinarius vitellinus M o s., Sydowia 6: 142. 1952

[ I have a book where I've found that growing under Picea, it's wrong?]

growing together with Cortinarius anserinus exactly in the same place

under Fagus

This species is very specific so I think we can

say that is identified?


Hebeloma from thread:


for me looks very different to sinapizans [crustuliniforme]

They are growing only in one place in the forest and in big quantity

every year.

I'll try to find access to suggested literature, thanks.


Thanks for whole story connected with Macrolepiota


I see no other possibility than stay in point

that it's Macrolepiota rickenii. [more probably then puellaris]

or ask the question again directly to

Henk HUIJSER if there is this kind of possiblity?

Once again thanks for plenty suggestion. I must say, that unfortunately in last

times we haven't specialist in Poland in this fantastic Cortinariaceae family.

best regards

Jacek ( alias Marek)

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