Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]

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od sie.2005

1. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]
27.lut.07 22:24

od lut.2006

2. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]


nie, Cortinarius phoeniceus (= purpureus) jest.


od sie.2005

3. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]
5.mar.07 22:00

fine, thanks a lot!

it would be great if you could look at few other Cortinarius threads [ as usually]

any falsyfication or confirmation welcome

thanks a lot


od lut.2006

4. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]

Czesc Marek,

I can tell you my opinion to some of these pictures, and I'm quite sure about the determinations, but you should of course be aware, that this can never be 100%.


Cortinarius variicolor, most probably ss. str.


Very interesting. I don't know this species and have never seen it.

I would think of a Leprocybe species (vs. C. raphanoides/valgus) or something in the vicinity of C. fuscoperonatus. But both can be wrong....



od sie.2005

5. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]
11.mar.07 20:24


tak, C. caninus wydaje się bardzo prawdopodobny

czy nie powinien mieć wyraźniejszego pierścienia?

jaki inny gatunek jest możliwy w tym wypadku?

od lut.2006

6. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]

Hallo Marek,

this also is typical Cortinarius caninus.

The veil is also typical, ending in a thin ringlike zone. You can see it on your third picture very well:

The veil is ochraceous-brownish, whereas in Cortinarius anomalus (which can be very similar) it is more ochraceous-yellowish.

On the stipe there is a characteristic reaction with Formol in C. caninus: becoming rose-pink after some minutes, whereas C. anomalus is negative. But the anomalus-aggregat is very difficult and there are still many unnamed or very poorly known taxa. So the Formol-reaction might turn out to be not in all cases good, but for typical caninus vs. typical anomalus it works well.

best regards,


od sie.2005

7. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]
9.kwi.07 23:17

Dear Andreas,

Are you really shure that


is Cortinarius percomis?

aniseed smell, not marjoram

must be C. odorifer I think

od lut.2006

8. Cortinarius sanguineus 17.07.2004 [?]

Hallo Anamorf,

you are perfectly right. I'm very angry about me. I should have read the text before saying something.... I usually know Cortinarius odorifer much stouter, not with such a slender stipe. But you are right, the bulb at the stipe base is to prominent for the percomis-group.....

Very sorry!

best regards,


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