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Może to być L.angustispora Raitv. lub raczej L.laricis (Cooke) Dharne. Potrzeba więcej informacji. I obawiam się, że potrzeba IKI. Oto fragment klucza na którym kończymy:
34. Excipular cortical cells short, rectangular, very thick-walled, with granular, pale to light yellow-ochraceous exudate (incl. base of flank hairs), giving the externally apothecia a licht ochre colour, spores +12-16 x (4-)5-5.7 µm, with two large glycogen regions surrounded by many small LBs, asci +94-115 µm, ring IKI deep red (RR), with open croziers .. L. angustispora Raitv.
On thin corticated twigs of Larix sibirica, L. daurica, Abies sibirica, montane-boreal, VI-VIII, rare in USSR (from Ural to East & Far East). Apparently a good species. Ref.: Raitviir (1977: 3, 1980: 93, 1991: 319), Baral (in prep.).
34. Excipular cortical cells without granular exudate, hyaline, hairs 200-300(-400) µm long .. 35
35. Spores *(11-)12-15(-17.2) x 5.5-6.7(-7.3) µm, with many small LBs in each half (LC 3-4), glycogen sparse; asci constantly IKI-, with basal septate protuberances or mostly with croziers, *93-148 x 12-14 µm, hair walls */+0.2-0.5(-0.8) µm thick, medulla without crystal druses, ectal excipulum inamyloid; conidia 6-10 x 0.8-1.2 µm .. L. fuckelii (Bres.) Dharne
On bark of undecayed branches of Pinus mugo, P. pumila, rarely Picea, subalpine, VI-IX, 0.3-1.8 m above ground, not rare in Europe (Alps, 1310-1970 m), rare in USSR (Ural, Far East). Apparently a constant species. Ref.: Dharne (1965: 131), Raitviir (1970, 1980: 93, 1991: 319), Baral (1984: 148), Schmid-Heckel (1985: 61, partly as L. occidentalis, teste H.B.).
35. Spores *(10-)12-16(-17.5) x (5.2-)5.5-7(-7.5) µm, with 2(-3) glycogen bodies surrounded by some minute LBs (LC 1-2), Dharne: +12-17.7 x 5.7-7.7 µm; asci IKI- or IKI deep red (RR), with croziers or basal protuberances, *105-132 x 10-11.6(-13.7) µm; hair walls *0.4-0.8 µm (KOH -1.2 µm), medulla with abundant crystal druses, ectal excipulum faintly hemiamyloid .. L. laricis (Cooke) Dharne
On bark of dead, dry twigs of Larix dahurica, L. sibirica, L. decidua, ?montane-subalpine, VI-IX, possibly quite frequent in Europe (Alps, e.g. 1750 m, asci IKI-, no crystals?), USSR (European part, Ural, East & Far East, Mongolia, e.g. 2100 m, asci IKI+), and N-America. Possibly frequently confused with L. occidentalis [Cooke (1876) did not believe in different taxa]. Dharne reported the asci to be "J+ blue", but he included D. oblongospora Hahn & Ayers (1934) despite stating the asci as J-; however, the characters in the protologue of D. oblongospora would also suggest identity with L. fuckelii: spores 10-16 x 3.8-6 µm, cylindrical with obtuse ends; asci 68-115 x 7-9(-10) µm, IKI?; conidia 2-5 x 1-1.5 µm; apothecia 0.5-2 mm diam.; on dead branches of Larix spp., Pinus spp., Picea, Pseudotsuga, montane, NE-USA. Ref.: Seaver (1951: 247, oblongospora), Dharne (1965: 132), Müller (1977: 50), Raitviir (1980: 95, 1991: 320), Zhuang (2002), Baral (in prep.).