C. brevisetulosus
Jak aktualnie jest z rozdzieleniem (odróżnieniem) Coprinus stellatus od Coprinus brevisetulosus?
Np. w ISF brak C. brevisetulosus, natomiast jest wykazany C. stellatus
Natomiast na "czernidłakowej" stronie jest na odwrót i w wykazie jest brak C. stellatus
Mam w głowie sieczkę biorąc pod wzgląd uwagi:
The differences in spore size between C. stellatus and C. brevisetulosus is then mainly restricted to the breadth of the spores: values of about 0. 5-1 µm.
We think that these differences are too insignificant to justify the maintenance of C. brevisetulosus as a separate species. Moreover, it is possible that Buller measured the spores in side view, whereas we and perhaps also other authors did that in front view. Because of the great variation in the colours of the pileus in subsection Setulosi the possible slight difference in pileus colour mentioned by Arnolds is even less convincing.
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