Wpiszę sobie charakterystykę R. amoenolens z strony
http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/gallery/DisplayBlock~bid~5831.asp, żeby się wziąć za bary z tą mykologiczną angielszczyzną :-)
location: North America
edibility: Inedible
fungus colour: Yellow, Brown, Grey to beige
normal size: 5-15cm
cap type: Convex to shield shaped
stem type: Simple stem
flesh: Mushroom has distinct or odd smell (non mushroomy), Flesh granular or brittle, Mushroom slimy or sticky
spore colour: White, cream or yellowish
habitat: Grows in woods, Grows on the ground
Russula amoenolens Romagnesi. Cap 3-10cm across, globose then expanded depressed, margin striate-tuberculate; deep grayish yellow to brown, often spotted with darker reddish brown; viscid when wet; cuticle thin, peels one-quarter to one-half the radius. Gills actuate, rather crowded; pale yellow ochre. Stem 35-70 x 10-27mm, firm, soon hollow, brittle; yellowish white, soon stained strongly yellowish brown at base. Odor rancid, cheesy. Taste oily, unpleasant, slowly very hot. Spores ellipsoid, 6-8.5 x 4.5-7µ; warts up to 1µ high, with few connectives, rarely a partial reticulum. Deposit pale orange-yellow (C-D). Habitat in mixed woods. Found in northeastern North America. Season July-October. Not edible.